As an agnostic college student, Josh McDowell set out to disprove Christianity. His journey took him across Europe and the Middle East looking at artifacts, examining scrolls and other evidence. After years of research, Josh was shocked to find something he didn’t expect . . . it’s true!
Out of Josh’s own “tipping point” was born Evidence That Demands a Verdict.
“This book was my personal tipping point…”

Named by Christianity Today as one of the top 50 books that have shaped Evangelicals

For 50 years God has used EVIDENCE to be a “personal tipping point” of change in the lives of people around the world. It’s compelling, comprehensive, and historical documentation has strengthened the faith of millions of believers and led countless people to faith worldwide.
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50 Years of Changed Lives
For just over a year, I have been struggling severely with my faith. Some seemingly persuasive arguments from skeptics led me to question the authority of scripture and God’s existence. Thanks primarily to Evidence, I was given a clear view of the historical evidence for Christianity. Your book has helped me realize the truth of God’s word.
As I was going through a rough time in my life, I decided to see what religion, if any, was true. I began to read Evidence That Demands a Verdict, and it answered many of my questions. When faced with all the evidence that Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of tons of Old Testament prophecies, I got down on my knees and put my faith in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I am now a pastor of a small church.
As the lone believer in my platoon, I often get asked, “How can you be sure?” and then challenged to “Prove it!” With the help of Evidence That Demands a Verdict, I can now answer questions that I couldn’t answer before.”
Serviceman, 82nd Airborne
I saw Evidence That Demands a Verdict on a co-worker’s coffee table. The thick book looked boring, with its small font, single-spacing, and no graphics. Nothing about it enticed me to read it except the title. But when I started reading it, I wasn’t able to put it down until I finished the whole book! Each page served as an audible voice from God, answering all my questions about His sovereignty. Now my heart fully embraces God’s Lordship.
My two sons graduated from a Christian school where the Bible teacher purchases Josh’s book, The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, for every junior and uses it in his curriculum. He wants to make sure his students left high school knowing what they believe and why they believe it.
I wanted to know truth. In my village there is NO witness for Christ except one little church. There I discovered a copy of Evidence, but they wouldn’t let anyone take it out . . . so for over a year, I would sneak into the church and by the light of one small candle, I hand-copied the entire book.
Pascal, an exchange student from Germany, was not a believer. It had to make sense to him intellectually before he could accept it. He heard Josh speak and was given a copy of his book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict. He took it home and read it hours every night. As a result, on Sunday he went forward in a church service to give his life to Christ!
As a student, Kaitlyn wrote papers using EVIDENCE for the documentation to support her biblical viewpoints and beliefs. Her teacher wasn’t a believer and often returned her papers with remarks in the margins such as, “You can’t prove that.” Years later she found out her teacher had come to Christ, and it was her papers with the supporting documentation from Evidence that were the catalyst!
I was twelve years old, and I had lots of questions about God and the Bible. My pastor gave me a copy of Evidence saying, “It will answer your questions.” I read through it in a couple of nights, and it changed my life. It gave me hope that there are answers to difficult questions and deepened my love for Christ. 28 years later, I use it in my high school classrooms to help a new generation answer questions about God, faith, and the Bible.
I was a misguided practicing Muslim and sought tirelessly to debate the Bible and refute it. I came across your treatise, Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Reading through it I was breath-taken, as here you elaborated with Biblical evidence! The truth right before my eyes!
Evidence Insights