Can there be freedom without authority?

blog freedomauthority dangerbarricade

“Live your truth”, “be true to yourself”, and “follow your heart” are slogans that ring throughout our culture today. They claim freedom from authority and freedom for self-reign in all areas of life. For many, it feels liberating to unburden oneself from institutional ideas, governing leaders, or religious obligations. Under these mantras of freedom, everyone […]

The Decision Christians Must Make about Obeying Authority

blog christians&authority

A Christian basketball player was told by her coach to find any way possible to win the game, even if it meant taking advantage of the rules or cheating on the court without getting caught. A Christian banker was told by his boss to offer the loan because it would be good business, even though […]

The Believer’s Authority

blog believersauthority talltree

The authority of the believer is one of the most important topics for a Christian to understand. When confused or misunderstood, avenues open to questionable theology. However, when properly understood, it can unlock amazing opportunities as you seek to live on mission for the Lord. Understanding the authority of the believer The key to grasping […]

The Apostle Paul’s Writings: Still Applicable?

Apostle Paul sm

The Apostle Paul wrote a good bit of the New Testament, and much of the Christian lifestyle and church governance come from Paul‘s teachings. Should you and I still listen to him? The Bible is, after all, pretty old. Has the Bible become so outdated that we’re smarter to follow the standards set by current […]

Why does God Keep Satan Around?


I recently received this very intriguing question: “Why does God keep Satan around?” To answer this question, it helps for us to know about the story of redemption that God began writing since the creation of the world. Somewhere in history (presumably at the fall, when Adam and Eve first sinned) Satan was given a […]