Who Recorded Events in the Bible?

To understand the formation of the Bible, we have to understand the world of the Bible. When significant events happen in our world today, witnesses record the stories through writing and video. This raises questions about how the Bible was recorded. Take these three events, for example: How was Moses able to write about creation, […]
Has the Bible Been Altered Over the Centuries?

To declare that the Bible has been “altered” over the centuries could mean a number of different things. For instance, you could talk about how later scribes added punctuation markings, lower-case lettering, etc., as their Greek language evolved over time. But that is of little concern. When most people say that the Bible has been […]
Isn’t the Bible Full of Disagreements?

One common concern that skeptics have about the Bible is that it doesn’t line up. That it’s full of disagreements, which they say proves that it’s a man-made document, not inspired by God. This question can lead to very murky conversations; however, because people mean different things when they discuss “disagreements” in the Bible. In […]