Peace Amid the Noise

Does the noise of the world get to you, too? Living in an age where, because of the internet, everything can be shared on a whim, we are constantly exposed to all the different views and opinions of the world. It all can feel very confusing, especially if we’re teens struggling to figure out our […]
Who Wrote The Gospels? | Gospels Reliable? Video 2

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
The Apostle Paul’s Writings: Still Applicable?

The Apostle Paul wrote a good bit of the New Testament, and much of the Christian lifestyle and church governance come from Paul‘s teachings. Should you and I still listen to him? The Bible is, after all, pretty old. Has the Bible become so outdated that we’re smarter to follow the standards set by current […]
Is the Bible Fact or Fiction?

Welcome! Let’s dive into whether we can trust the Bible. The contents of the Bible were written over a period of over 1500 years, by 40+ authors from every walk of life: kings, fisherman, statesmen, poets, philosophers — even peasants. Some wrote in the wilderness, others in dungeons, some in a palace, and others while on […]
Who Decided What to Include in the Bible?

Did God or Man Chose the Contents of the Bible? In our last two blog posts in this series we talked about 1) aspects of the Bible that make it unique among world literature, and 2) the physical materials used by ancient scribes to produce copies of Scripture. Now let’s dive into a question that […]
An Investigation: What Makes the Bible Unique?

The Bible’s unique features speak to its staying power. Have you read it yet? In this blog post we’ll look at the unique origin and nature of the Bible, the profound impact it has had on western civilization, and its responsibility for much of the progress of human history. We will not attempt to demonstrate […]
Why Did the Early Church Indoctrinate a Canon of New Testament books?

A common question that we hear is “how did we get the Bible?” This is a very good question. Perhaps an even better question would be “Why did the early church decide to indoctrinate a canon of New Testament books in the first place?” After all, they already had their Old Testament. Whose idea was it […]
Can We Really Know If The Bible Is God’s Word?

By Craig T. Owens, originally posted here Have you ever been stumped by someone’s argument against Christianity or the Bible? Has anyone ever made fun of you because the Bible sounds like a fairy tale? Over 100 years ago Oswald Chambers described how our post-Christian world was beginning to treat Christianity and the Bible on […]
Biblical Scripture: Truth or Tale?

Can we Believe What We Read in Scripture? The idea that “what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me” can lead a person to the conclusion that the moral truths from the Bible are all just a matter of opinion. But this conclusion simply reveals our confusion over the concepts of truth and belief. We are all […]
The Bible: Just a Rule Book of “Thou Shalt Nots”?

A lot of people get hung up on what they see as the Bible’s negativity. The Bible gets a bum rap for being “negative,” for being a bunch of rules one has to follow, if God is to be good to us. God’s Word definitely contains “Thou shalt nots,” but God’s intention is not to limit our human experience. […]
The Bible: Why Youth Need to Know Its Truths

I’ll Decide My Own Truth To be American is to embrace individual rights, right? Having been brought up to believe this, today’s young people are uncomfortable with the suggestion that there is only one universal truth. “You can believe that silliness,” they might reply. “But I’ll decide my own truth.” Because Christianity appears exclusive, many young people are […]