Answers within Reach
Dear Josh: I wanted to write and tell you what an amazing impact your book, More Than a Carpenter has had on me and my youth ministry. It is a great resource for high school and college youth pastors and youth leaders. I am a youth leader at my local church and lead a small […]
Coaching Basketball and the Word
Coleen knew she was taking a risk. Sharing her faith in the closed country in Central Asia where she was serving as a teacher and coach could get her thrown out of the country — or even arrested. In this region of the world, there is one dominant religion. Other religions, like Christianity, are forbidden. […]
Books on the Subway
Over 20 years ago in Russia, Stas and I, along with the Josh McDowell Ministry and hundreds of American volunteers, had the honor of planting seeds throughout the former Soviet Union. The doors of Russia had just opened. For the first time the Soviet people were free to hear the Gospel and learn about God. […]
A Generation of Believers
Russia, 2013. We just had the honor of hosting Sergei and Sveta Shashin, director of Russian Jesus Film, a ministry of Campus Crusade. They are a result of the seeds/books that were planted throughout Russia in the early 90s. At different times and places, both Sergei and Sveta received a copy of Josh’s More Than […]