Doing the Work, After Jesus Saves Us
I was with a bunch of Christians recently, who were in agreement that the point of Christianity is to get people saved — so they don’t go to hell. I agree that our choosing to accept Christ as Lord and Savior is the most important decision we’ll ever make, because of its eternal implications. But […]
Introducing Resolution: Overcome Struggles and Thrive
I (Josh) was recently speaking with the youth pastor of a large church. I asked what he thought the number one epidemic is among youth. “Loneliness,” he replied. “I don’t know a kid in my youth group who isn’t struggling with it.” These were Christian kids with mostly Christian parents who loved them, yet somehow […]
Rethinking Accountability: A Proactive and Healing Approach Part 2
We live in a world full of stress, hurt, and things that were not meant to be. Regardless of our particular struggles, we all develop ways of dealing with stress and pain in our life — often through unhealthy choices. As I shared in my last blog post, I developed a number of compulsive behaviors […]
Rethinking Accountability: A Proactive and Healing Approach Part 1
Have you, as I have, experienced reactive and unhealthy accountability in your life? Have you found yourself hiding your struggles, or only sharing your unhealthy choices after you returned to them? Were you then shamed by others after you finally mustered up the courage to open up? In this post I address the difference between “accountability” […]