I Won’t Blame God For Very Bad Days

Have you ever had a day like this? A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day where one thing after another keeps piling up, as it did for Job, one of the Bible’s most inspiring characters?  “One day … a messenger came to Job and said, ‘…the Sabeans attacked…’ While he was still speaking, another […]

Finding God in Scripture

The Bible discusses many topics, from our human limitations and weaknesses, to the nature of life, to the sublime magnificence of our God. Much more than a descriptive list of facts, Scripture hints at the truth of things – the essence and purpose of God’s creation – the things that are real beyond our human […]

I Am Who I Am: God’s Most Important Name

I am who I am

Names are significant. It’s always a big deal when someone knows your name, which is why we all try to be better at remembering them. I meet a lot of people, and I hate forgetting and having to say, “Hey, you!” or “Good to see you, man!” Remembering a name is a big deal, and not just […]

Why God? Because He’s Trustworthy


Throughout Scripture we are instructed to lean into the fact that God is trustworthy. We are to free our minds and hearts of worry. We are to give up control (as if we had any to begin with!). We are to entrust our lives to Him. The universe is a messy place, filled with forces […]

Is God’s Goodness Evident During COVID-19?

Gods goodness

Would you have guessed that you and I would spend 2020 fighting a global pandemic? Can we trust God’s goodness during this trial? COVID-19 has done serious damage to the fabric of societies around the world. Some of us are batting unemployment, anxiety, boredom, loneliness — or the virus itself. For many, the situation goes […]

Why We Need to Trust God’s Goodness


Welcome! In this post we’ll talk about trusting God’s goodness. I don’t know about you, but I find myself cringing when people post on Facebook about their new house or car or health recovery with the joyous declaration, “God is GOOD!” This bothers me, I think, because I rarely see these same people joyfully declare […]