Do We “Get Jesus”?
Opinions abound surrounding the “He gets us” advertisements that heavily populate all forms of media. The campaign highlights ways in which Jesus understands (or “gets”) us and often highlights some of Jesus’ most popular attributes: loving, accepting, and forgiving. Regardless of your opinions on this campaign, the phrase “He gets us” itself should provoke a […]
Why God? Come and See!
Come and see my Jesus. I heard about The Chosen television series about the ministry of Christ. Friends highly recommended it, but I didn’t expect much. I mean, how many ways can you tell the Jesus story? It’s been done many times before. And typically on a low budget, with marginal acting. So I didn’t […]
The Apostle Paul’s Writings: Still Applicable?
The Apostle Paul wrote a good bit of the New Testament, and much of the Christian lifestyle and church governance come from Paul‘s teachings. Should you and I still listen to him? The Bible is, after all, pretty old. Has the Bible become so outdated that we’re smarter to follow the standards set by current […]
The Great Gift of Our Creator
Our Creator’s plan to reveal Himself to humanity seems an odd choice. If you and I were the event planners for heaven, I doubt we would have coordinated God’s entry into humanity in the humble way it played out. Our plans would probably be more along the lines of a triumphant entry in honor, esteem, […]
Doing the Work, After Jesus Saves Us
I was with a bunch of Christians recently, who were in agreement that the point of Christianity is to get people saved — so they don’t go to hell. I agree that our choosing to accept Christ as Lord and Savior is the most important decision we’ll ever make, because of its eternal implications. But […]
Christ Heals Our Hurt By Saving Us
A mental health epidemic exists today among young people. Gen Z is more lonely and depressed than any previous generation. Their hurt presents an incredible opportunity for Christ-followers to share the restorative gospel of Jesus. I don’t mean the “positivity gospel” that has seeped into the Church, but the authentic gospel that Jesus Himself taught. […]
Reason for Our Hope: Christ’s Resurrection
Welcome! Let’s explore our hope that buoys us because of Christ’s resurrection. If we love Christ, that poignant moment will bring unbridled joy. Why? Because in proving His power over death, Jesus promised us the privilege of being in His presence for eternity. One of the tenet verses of the Christian faith, John 3:16, puts […]
Was Jesus Really Without Sin?
Scripture Says Jesus Was Without Sin All of the Bible‘s New Testament books, which were composed less than seventy years after Jesus’ death, have one consistent message: that Jesus lived without sin. We’re told this in the four Gospels, in reports of speeches by early Christian leaders in the books of Acts, in epistles written by […]
Is Jesus’ Resurrection Fact? History Weighs in.
You, ultimately, get to decide for yourself if Jesus’ resurrection is fact or fiction. Choose wisely. In this year-long blog series based on Josh and Sean McDowell’s extensively updated classic, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, we’re focused on proving to you that the Christian faith is rooted not in fairy tale, but on historical fact that […]
An Investigation: Is Jesus Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?
Was Jesus Christ a liar, lunatic, or Lord? While many have asked and offered to answer this question, the evidence clearly shows that He was a historical person and that His life radically altered human history. As world-renowned historian Jaroslav Pelikan put it: “It is from His birth that most of the human race dates […]
Resurrection Theories Debunked: Christ Rose
In this post we examine and debunk three resurrection theories developed by skeptics. Few skeptics deny the essential events — the trial, the crucifixion, the burial, the guards, the Roman seal, and the empty tomb — because historical evidence strongly supports them. Instead, they focus on suggesting that these events don’t mean that a dead […]
Empty Tomb: Details of Christ’s Resurrection
In this blog post exploring the validity of the resurrection of Christ, we invite you to consider the factual, historical evidence that gives believers certainty that Jesus rose from death, as He promised! Let’s look at five important facts of the empty tomb, and why the Roman Guards and Jewish leaders chose to cover up […]
Burial Details of the Resurrection of Christ
In this post exploring the validity of the resurrection of Christ, we invite you to consider the factual, historical evidence that gives believers certainty that Jesus died and rose from the dead, just as He promised. In our last blog post we focused on the crucifixion details, including the fact that Pilate demanded confirmation of Jesus’ death before he […]
Holding on to the Truth
Josh, I remember meeting you in a parking garage in Orlando during the 2012 YPS conference. I was on staff at Global Youth Ministry at the time and you walked up to the group I was in. I had seen you before and you looked familiar to me, but I didn’t know why. You began […]
Judge Not, When it Comes to Cultural Tolerance?
Did Jesus Say Judge Not? That is the Question. If cultural tolerance has a theme verse, it’s Matthew 7:1: “Judge not, that you be not judged.” That verse, by the way, is one of most commonly misused verses in the Bible. Christians and non-Christians alike often take it out of context. “Sure,” they say, “scripture […]
Out of Darkness
Dear Josh, How can we thank you for your faithful service to our Lord Jesus? Your book, More Than a Carpenter, was instrumental in bringing my dear brother back to Christ after he wandered into the New Age movement and Occult. After he watched the movie Jesus provided by Campus Crusades, the Holy Spirit showed […]