Peace Amid the Noise

Does the noise of the world get to you, too? Living in an age where, because of the internet, everything can be shared on a whim, we are constantly exposed to all the different views and opinions of the world. It all can feel very confusing, especially if we’re teens struggling to figure out our […]
Is It Okay to Be All In With Hobbies?

Do you have any hobbies that you really enjoy in your free time? Perhaps you like to watch movies or play computer games, or you’re a big fan of sports or music. Personally, I enjoy collecting action figures, LEGO sets, and comic books. I also like to spend time watching online entertainment reviews. All positive, […]
Strength in Weakness

Life is hard. But our hardships can lead us to recognize God’s strength in our weakness. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch. Or maybe you’re dealing with an ongoing physical or mental disability. Personally, I struggle with autism, which makes sensory processing difficult. It can cause me to feel anxious, overwhelmed, or distracted. Even […]
Can We Escape Our Worry?

Worry and anxiety are common feelings. You might be feeling anxious about something right now as you read this. Personally, I can feel anxious if I get overwhelmed by my responsibilities, my worries about what others think of me, or my fears that I’m not good enough. It can certainly feel as if the entire world is […]
Really Listening for God to Speak

We can learn a lot about how God interacts with people by reading the Bible. Perhaps you’re familiar with the story of God calling out to young Samuel in the middle of the night (1 Samuel 3:1-21), or how Jesus appeared to Paul in a blinding vision, as Paul was attempting to destroy the early […]