Meticulous Scribe, Trusted Manuscript


Welcome to the first post in this “Journey Together” series. Each week we’ll look at our Christian beliefs, and whether they help us to answer these four important questions: “Why am I here?,” “What is truth?,” “Why should I believe this truth?,” and “How does this truth affect my every day life?” Can we, by daily […]

Were Jesus’ Disciples Illiterate?


A question often asked by curious Christians and critics: “Since Jesus’ disciples spoke Aramaic, how could they write any New Testament books if they couldn’t even read or write in their own language? Weren’t they illiterate?” That sounds like a solid query … until you realize that the question is based on a wrong assumption. […]

Did Scribes Faithfully Transmit Old Testament Manuscripts?


Historical Documentation Resoundingly Says, “Yes!” In a previous blog post in this series, we saw that the New Testament can rightly claim to be more reliable and accurate than another other ancient document in history. Can we also trust the authenticity of the Old Testament? Fortunately, we have really old biblical manuscripts to help us […]

Materials Scribes Used to Write the Bible


How did scribes record the ancient scriptures? Before the invention of the printing press, the only way to duplicate a manuscript was to spend hours (weeks? months? years?) laboriously copying it by hand. Note: It took one modern scribe four years, of writing up to 14 hours a day with fine-tipped markers, to handwrite a copy […]