Suiting Up In God’s Armor

Life often feels like an ongoing battle. On a raging battlefield, what protects a soldier? Armor. Can you imagine any soldier stepping onto the battlefield without it? He or she would be defenseless, cut down in minutes! In the book of Ephesians, in the New Testament, the apostle Paul uses the analogy of armor to […]
Is It Okay to Be All In With Hobbies?

Do you have any hobbies that you really enjoy in your free time? Perhaps you like to watch movies or play computer games, or you’re a big fan of sports or music. Personally, I enjoy collecting action figures, LEGO sets, and comic books. I also like to spend time watching online entertainment reviews. All positive, […]
Strength in Weakness

Life is hard. But our hardships can lead us to recognize God’s strength in our weakness. Maybe you’re going through a rough patch. Or maybe you’re dealing with an ongoing physical or mental disability. Personally, I struggle with autism, which makes sensory processing difficult. It can cause me to feel anxious, overwhelmed, or distracted. Even […]
Why God? For the Gift of Living Broken

There’s a suggestion on the table that God wants us broken. If the word “broken” scares you, you’re not alone. Society has taught us to perceive the word negatively. Broken plates … broken appliances … broken down cars … the homeless … the incarcerated … those with destructive addictions. Society would have us believe that […]