Join Truth Builders to reach millions of people around the world with the truth of Jesus.
In a world of chaos and growing confusion all around us, a clear vision of Jesus and the gospel has never been needed more.
As a Truth Builder, your monthly gift of support will be put to work to share the truth of Christ, cutting through cultural confusion so people can see Jesus clearly through printed resources, live events and digital content.
Because your partnership is so valuable to us, we want to provide you with some special Truth Builder benefits:
- A special edition of stories that show how your gift is changing lives around the world.
- A personal Truth builder representative to answer questions you may have, pray for you and your family, and share ministry updates with you.
- An opportunity to pray for our missionaries on the front lines monthly.
- A special journal where you can capture your own changed life story and the truths that God reveals to you every day.
There’s simply no better way to start the new year than participating in building God’s Kingdom and sharing the truth of Jesus—the truth that can transform hearts, lives, and entire communities.