¿Están el Cristianismo y la Ciencia en Guerra?

Christianity science war

I’m guessing God is totally cool with science. Every time I see an amazing sunset, or the clockwork ebb and flow of a beach, or the birth of new life, I am thoroughly convinced that God, the Creator, exists. Because each of these visuals is simply mind-blowing in their intricate precision and beauty. God spoke, […]

¿Creó Dios a Otros Seres Inteligentes Además de los Humanos?

77 FAQs

Scientists say matter is spread over a space of at least 93 billion light-years across. There are probably more than 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, with countless planets. That blows the mind! And it may cause us to wonder, are we the only intelligent beings God created in this vast universe? There are […]

Si Dios es la Causa de Todo, ¿Qué o Quién es la Causa de Dios?

77 FAQs

One of the questions believers are asked is, “Who or what caused God?” The simplest answer is to reply, “If God could be caused to exist, then he would not be God!” God is eternal; he has life without beginning or end. Because God has always existed, he didn’t need a cause. This concept is […]