¿Por Qué Dios? Él Ofrece una Aceptación Radical

radical acceptance

I’ve yet to read a book on Buddhism that gets it right on how God views us. Take, for example, this paragraph in a book titled Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha: “The message of ‘original sin’ is unequivocal: Because of our basically flawed nature, we do not deserve to […]

Inspiración: ¡Libérate de la Vergüenza!


For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge and research to help you find truth and encouragement to live a healthy and whole life in Christ. God Doesn’t Shame Us Satan plants seeds in our mind and heart, […]

Instantánea de la Sublime Gracia


Have you personally experienced God’s grace … the joy and relief of being forgiven, grateful that you are yet loved and accepted?  The following personal story, recently shared by one of my favorite Christian speakers, does a great job of helping us to understand the amazing grace God gives us. Read on! For 50+ years, […]

Jesús Murió por Mí … Entonces, ¿Por qué aún me Siento Culpable?


I remember years ago when I tuned into a message by a Christian speaker who was addressing guilt… He asked the audience a simple question: “How many of you have trouble dealing with your past?” There was a pause. He continued. “You know why? It’s because you don’t believe it’s been dealt with already.” He […]

4 Consejos de Josh para Resolver Conflictos

Welcome! In this post Josh McDowell offers four tips for identifying conflict in our lives. How much conflict do we create ourselves? Important Life Lessons If it were up to me, by the time students exit elementary school they would be intentional in reflecting good citizenship via their words and actions. Think how great junior […]

Rechazada por el Mundo. Aceptada por Dios

forgive yourself

Mira lives in a closed country in Asia. Formerly, she faithfully practiced the majority religion of her country. “I read prayers five times a day and considered myself a very righteous person,” she shared. But beneath her religious façade, Mira struggled with anger. Occasionally, she would have fits of rage and lash out at those […]

Cuando el Perdón Parece Demasiado Difícil

He shifted from one Converse clad foot to the other and waited patiently for the other students to clear out from the classroom. I stood at my desk shuffling papers when I noticed that he remained. “Hi James. What’s up?” I asked. “Mrs. Lia, I just wanted to tell you that the testimony you read […]