Imagen Personal: Mírate como Dios te Mira

Welcome to another post in our new year-long blog series, “Journey Together,” where we answer questions about God, relationships, and life! Hi there! We’re Jennifer Davis and Anne Clark. Having the opportunity to work with Josh McDowell, we’ve learned just how important self-image is. Josh says it affects every relationship in our lives. For that […]

Imagen Personal: Cinco Pasos para Superar la Vergüenza

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As I mentioned in my previous post, our shame and self-image plays a significant factor in the unhealthy thoughts and actions we struggle with on a daily basis. Many of us don’t yet see ourselves as God sees us, because we’re stuck in seeing ourselves as the world, friends, and even the haters see us […]

Tu identidad: ¿Eres un “Pecador sin Valor”?

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For most of my life I believed I was a worthless sinner, only tolerated by God because of Jesus’ work on the cross. Sure, I “knew” that God loved me, but I believed that I was still a “wretch” with minimal value. Throughout my years in ministry, I’ve known many missionaries, college students, men, and […]