4 Consejos de Josh para Resolver Conflictos

Welcome! In this post Josh McDowell offers four tips for identifying conflict in our lives. How much conflict do we create ourselves? Important Life Lessons If it were up to me, by the time students exit elementary school they would be intentional in reflecting good citizenship via their words and actions. Think how great junior […]

"¡Dios mío!" ¿Expresión sin sentido o palabras poderosas?

Speak God’s name with reverence. One thing missing in society today is a deep, soul-level reverence for God. We hear people utter God’s name, all day long, but they’re not actually talking to Him — or even about Him. “Oh, my God!” and “Jesus!” and “Oh, Lord!” become just meaningless expressions, convenient ways to respond to a funny joke or dumb thing we see […]

Respeto y Relaciones

Las relaciones familiares sanas se basan en la verdad, que se establece con confianza y respeto. Pero estos valores están siendo redefinidos y desafiados por nuestra cultura.