Jesús: la Verdad que lo Cambia Todo


Welcome back to our series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. If you’ve read the four January posts, then you’re up to speed on how Josh journeyed from diehard skeptic to stunned believer in the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Josh then had to decide if he was willing to […]

Mostrar a Cristo Relevante para Nuestra Cultura

Christ relevant

Welcome! In this post Josh shares nine ways Christians can show Christ relevant in our secular culture. We can’t just claim “Christ is truth” anymore, says Josh. We must provide historical evidence for the truthfulness of the Bible, but also share the deep and personal convictions we’ve gained through our committed walk with Christ. Is […]

¿Podemos Reconocer Absolutamente lo Bueno de lo Malo?

Welcome! In this post we ask a HUGE question that many believe is impossible to answer: “Can we know absolute right from wrong?” Actually, yes. Let’s look at the 3-point checklist Josh McDowell uses for knowing absolute right to make sound moral choices. If It’s Legal, It’s Moral…Right? If you were to vote on whether […]

Imagen Personal: Mírate como Dios te Mira

Welcome to another post in our new year-long blog series, “Journey Together,” where we answer questions about God, relationships, and life! Hi there! We’re Jennifer Davis and Anne Clark. Having the opportunity to work with Josh McDowell, we’ve learned just how important self-image is. Josh says it affects every relationship in our lives. For that […]

3 Verdades Fundamentales del Cristianismo

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Welcome! Let’s dive into three foundational truths of  Christianity. Committed Christ-followers find these truths compelling enough to exclude all paths other than Jesus. Foundational Truth #1: Jesus Proved His Deity During his 3-year ministry, Jesus repeatedly told His followers that He came from heaven to die for mankind’s sin, to reconcile us to God. In […]

¿Es la Biblia Realidad o Ficción?

Welcome! Let’s dive into whether we can trust the Bible. The contents of the Bible were written over a period of over 1500 years, by 40+ authors from every walk of life: kings, fisherman, statesmen, poets, philosophers — even peasants. Some wrote in the wilderness, others in dungeons, some in a palace, and others while on […]

¿Es Conocible la Historia? Implicaciones para el Cristianismo


The accuracy of history is critical. Even for Christianity. We can look at this photo and make some subjective judgments. We might deduce that the child is somewhere cold. We might also suggest the child’s age, if not also his or her nationality, healthiness, and socioeconomic status. In effect, we’re self-determining this child’s history. Historians, […]

Book Review: The End of Faith

A few years ago, I worked through The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, a popular atheist thinker who argued against a theistic worldview. I chose to read the book because I believe that it is important for Christians (and anyone, for that matter) to engage with viewpoints other than our own. Although I did not find the […]

Apologética: ¿Disculparnos por Creer en Dios?

“Have a ready answer for what you believe.” Contrary to what the world thinks, Jesus did not ask His followers to believe with “blind” faith. Because He didn’t need to. He wasn’t a swindler, a magician, or a con artist. He was God. He spoke the truth, and demonstrated it time and time again. We […]

¿Resucitó Realmente Jesús de Entre los Muertos?

Resurrection and You

Apologetics Booklet Examines Factual Evidence of the Death and Rise of Jesus Christ   How does one go about finding a true answer to the question of whether Jesus did or didn’t rise from the dead? A critical historian would check out the validity of the records of witnesses, confirm Jesus’ death by crucifixion, go […]

Biblical Scripture: Truth or Tale?

Scripture: truth or tale?

Can we Believe What We Read in Scripture? The idea that “what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me” can lead a person to the conclusion that the moral truths from the Bible are all just a matter of opinion. But this conclusion simply reveals our confusion over the concepts of truth and belief. We are all […]

La Biblia: ¿Sólo un libro de reglas de lo que no debes hacer?

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A lot of people get hung up on what they see as the Bible’s negativity. The Bible gets a bum rap for being “negative,” for being a bunch of rules one has to follow, if God is to be good to us. God’s Word definitely contains “Thou shalt nots,” but God’s intention is not to limit our human experience.  […]