Hablando con la Gente, Como lo Hizo Jesús

talking to people about Jesus

I can still recall the precious moment that I devoted myself to Christ. I remember becoming totally sold-out, convinced that Jesus rose, saved me from my sins, and loves me forever. From that point on, spreading His message of salvation became so meaningful to me that it had to be my life’s purpose. I wanted […]

¿Podemos Hablar de Jesús?

Jesus sq

Our anxious world needs to know the peace of Jesus. His great love for each of us. His desire to walk daily with each of us, to buoy us with joy, strength, and wisdom. We’re not in this alone! So why aren’t we excitedly telling people about Jesus? One reason is because it feels hard […]

¿Qué Sucede con las Personas que Mueren Sin Escuchar el Evangelio?

Die without hearing

Ephesians 2 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sin and accept Jesus as our savior, He restores our broken relationship with God, that we might live with Him forever. But what about people who die without hearing about Jesus? Will they miss out? […]

Cristianos: Diálogo con los Escépticos Parte 2


“Prove Your God Exists!” Last week, in Part 1 of this topic, we talked about the importance of our having the right attitude when interacting with skeptics. We reminded you to let go of the “fight” mentality when challenged on your beliefs; to instead view these encounters as God-ordained opportunities to demonstrate the truth and […]

Cristianos: Diálogo con los Escépticos Parte 1


“God Doesn’t Exist!” When we Christians hear that, most of us start sweating. As if the entire weight of proving the truth of Christianity rests on our puny shoulders! But we also start sweating because we feel our egos to be on the line. To be a Christian, we’re told by skeptics, is to be […]