
Giving From Your 401k or IRA Retirement Plan

If you have a traditional IRA, 401(k), Keogh, pension plan, or annuity, you can use them to plan a financial gift to Josh McDowell Ministry in the future. These gifts are excluded from estate, inheritance, and deferred income tax liabilities, and can create a charitable deduction.

Your IRA could potentially be taxed up to 60 percent if passed on to your heirs. But there is no tax when it is used as a gift to Josh McDowell Ministry.

If you are over the age of 70, you may be able to make a “tax-free” gift to Josh McDowell Ministry through a IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution (IRA Rollover-QCD). You can make a tax-efficient gift to Josh McDowell Ministry of up to $100,000 directly from the IRA and not recognize it as income.

Note: The SECURE Act increased the MRD (Minimum Required Distribution) age from 70½ to 72. The age for a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), however, still remains at 70½.

The QCD is excluded from gross income, without worry about phase-out of income tax deductions. You can use the standard deduction. The QCD counts toward your minimum required distribution from the IRA for the year.

You can continue to take regular lifetime withdrawals. And you maintain flexibility to change beneficiaries if your family needs change during your lifetime. Your heirs avoid the potential double taxation on the assets left in your retirement account.


  • Name Josh McDowell Ministry as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plan.
  • Pass the balance of your retirement assets to the Josh McDowell Ministry by contacting your plan administrator.
  • Tell Josh McDowell Ministry about your gift, as your plan administrator is not obligated to notify us. It helps us to know of upcoming financial donations, and we’d love to celebrate your generosity with you now.

As always, please check with your financial advisor and/or tax attorney.

Contact us so we can assist you through every step.

Josh McDowell

Josh McDowell


JMM Development Team
Shelley Komoszewski

Shelley Komoszewski

Director of Advancement

Bill Daly

Bill Daly

Senior Ministry Representative

Mark A. Brown

Mark A. Brown

Senior Ministry Representative
469 722 1419

Donate Today

Checks can be mailed to:
Josh McDowell Ministry
2001 W. Plano Parkway
Suite 2400
Plano TX 75075

Josh McDowell Ministry is a ministry of Cru (formerly, Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.), a California non-profit corporation (tax identification # 95-6006173), located at 100 Lake Hart Drive, Orlando, Florida 32832.

The purpose of this website is to provide general gift, estate, and financial planning information. Watch for tax revisions. State laws govern will, trusts, and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of gifts. | 866.252.5424 | 972.907.1000 | Donations: 855.833.6897​

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