Razón de Nuestra Esperanza: la Resurrección de Cristo

our hope

Welcome! Let’s explore our hope that buoys us because of Christ’s resurrection. If we love Christ, that poignant moment will bring unbridled joy. Why? Because in proving His power over death, Jesus promised us the privilege of being in His presence for eternity. One of the tenet verses of the Christian faith, John 3:16, puts […]

¿Es Conocible la Historia? Implicaciones para el Cristianismo


The accuracy of history is critical. Even for Christianity. We can look at this photo and make some subjective judgments. We might deduce that the child is somewhere cold. We might also suggest the child’s age, if not also his or her nationality, healthiness, and socioeconomic status. In effect, we’re self-determining this child’s history. Historians, […]

¿Es la Resurrección de Jesús un Hecho? La Historia Examina.

You, ultimately, get to decide for yourself if Jesus’ resurrection is fact or fiction. Choose wisely. In this year-long blog series based on Josh and Sean McDowell’s extensively updated classic, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, we’re focused on proving to you that the Christian faith is rooted not in fairy tale, but on historical fact that […]

Resurrección de Jesús: Código Crítico

Does the Resurrection of Jesus Really Matter? Yes! If Jesus didn’t rise, we have no foundation for our faith. If we’re gullibly basing our lives on a fairytale, we sure are wasting a lot of time trying to resemble a person who had the crazy idea He was God! Let’s chat briefly about why it […]

Resurrección de Jesús: ¿Engaño o Verdad?


Why the Resurrection Matters Christians believe the resurrection is true, and that historical accounts of it have provided adequate evidence to certify it as a real event. Why is the resurrection so important? Because without it, our faith has no basis. The apostle Paul suspends the weight of Christianity on this single thread: If Jesus […]