Un Modelo de Hombría Bíblica

role model

On this Father’s Day, I am thankful for the spiritual role model my dad has always been for me. A senior pastor at Rockpoint Church in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, he began to ingrain in me, at an early age, the four traits of biblical manhood.  When someone asks me to define biblical manhood, I reference […]

“Profundiza” con Tus Hijos

“Being a dad is part art, part science, but mostly an act of faith.” The research is in: Dads matter. And while you can’t choose your children’s future for them, your involvement and influence make a huge difference. How do you make sense of the paradoxes of fatherhood? Go deep. Get involved. Be dedicated to […]

La conexión con el padre... o la falta de ella

Johns Hopkins Medical School commissioned two professors, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Duazunski to study 1,337 medical doctors who graduated from Johns Hopkins University. They wanted to determine a cause factor, for these five diseases: (1) hypertension; (2) coronary heart disease; (3) malignant tumors; (4) mental illness; and (5) suicide. There was only one factor to these […]