¿Por Qué Dios? ¡Él nos Prepara para Actuar!

our act together

“Why God?” So many are asking this question. One great reason to accept Him: He helps us to get our act together. In his book The Imperfect Disciple, Jared Wilson writes that now, nearly 40 years later, he often feels like his trembling, 6-year-old self, when the notes of the church organ thundered as he […]

Haciendo el Trabajo, Después de que Jesús Nos Salva

work on our junk

I was with a bunch of Christians recently, who were in agreement that the point of Christianity is to get people saved — so they don’t go to hell. I agree that our choosing to accept Christ as Lord and Savior is the most important decision we’ll ever make, because of its eternal implications. But […]

Jesús Murió por Mí … Entonces, ¿Por qué aún me Siento Culpable?


I remember years ago when I tuned into a message by a Christian speaker who was addressing guilt… He asked the audience a simple question: “How many of you have trouble dealing with your past?” There was a pause. He continued. “You know why? It’s because you don’t believe it’s been dealt with already.” He […]

Si Dios es Amor, ¿Importa Nuestro Pecado?


If we view God as “always loving,” can we be nonchalant about sin? MercyMe, a great contemporary Christian band, is known for penning a number of songs about God’s grace covering sin. “Smile like you just got away with something,” croons the band. “Why? ‘Cause you just got away with something. Ever since, ever since […]

Objective Truth: Christian Response to Postmodernism

Does objective truth still hold value? “If you are anything like me,” says noted Christian author and speaker Lisa Bevere, “you want to love the broken people around you.” But so often Christians are told they’re being judgmental and hateful if they don’t accept the false version of love that accepts everything — no matter […]

¿Estaba Jesús realmente sin pecado?

Jesus without sin

Scripture Says Jesus Was Without Sin All of the Bible‘s New Testament books, which were composed less than seventy years after Jesus’ death, have one consistent message: that Jesus lived without sin. We’re told this in the four Gospels, in reports of speeches by early Christian leaders in the books of Acts, in epistles written by […]

La Biblia: ¿Sólo un libro de reglas de lo que no debes hacer?

Bible rule book sm

A lot of people get hung up on what they see as the Bible’s negativity. The Bible gets a bum rap for being “negative,” for being a bunch of rules one has to follow, if God is to be good to us. God’s Word definitely contains “Thou shalt nots,” but God’s intention is not to limit our human experience.  […]

Aferrándose a la Verdad

Josh, I remember meeting you in a parking garage in Orlando during the  2012 YPS conference. I was on staff at Global Youth Ministry at the time and you walked up to the group I was in. I had seen you before and you looked familiar to me, but I didn’t know why. You began […]

Los Puritanos Vieron el Sexo Correctamente

The Puritans Liked Sex! In the last two blog posts of our cultural tolerance series, we looked at why God designed sex to be part of marriage. We talked about the sacredness of sex, and the emotional, physical, and psychological damage we do to ourselves by engaging in sex outside of marriage. But let’s back up […]

¿Por Qué Peca la Gente Hoy en Día?

77 FAQs

From infancy, it appears, we struggle for control to get what we want, when we want it, and in the way we want it. This independent drive to be in charge lies behind every struggle for power, every prejudice, every conflict, and every abuse of relationship since the dawn of time. But where does this […]