A Much-Needed Wake Up Call

Dear Josh, Well done! I have been sounding the trumpet on this topic [pornography] for the past 10 years.  We hit it hard in our confirmation program at our church for sixth through ninth graders. However, in recent years, I have been convicted that our efforts are coming too late. Despite the fact that all […]

Books on the Subway

Over 20 years ago in Russia, Stas and I, along with the Josh McDowell Ministry and hundreds of American volunteers, had the honor of planting seeds throughout the former Soviet Union. The doors of Russia had just opened. For the first time the Soviet people were free to hear the Gospel and learn about God.  […]

Can We Really Know If The Bible Is God’s Word?

By Craig T. Owens, originally posted here Have you ever been stumped by someone’s argument against Christianity or the Bible? Has anyone ever made fun of you because the Bible sounds like a fairy tale? Over 100 years ago Oswald Chambers described how our post-Christian world was beginning to treat Christianity and the Bible on […]

Las Devociones de una Madre

Hi, my name is Holly. I have two teenage sons. They are great boys but they are going through the typical stuff that teenagers have to face. My son Chase asked me one day “Mom how often do you read your Bible?” I said, “Son I may not pick up my Bible daily but I […]

Cuando el Perdón Parece Demasiado Difícil

He shifted from one Converse clad foot to the other and waited patiently for the other students to clear out from the classroom. I stood at my desk shuffling papers when I noticed that he remained. “Hi James. What’s up?” I asked. “Mrs. Lia, I just wanted to tell you that the testimony you read […]

Esperanza Inquebrantable

Hi, I just watched the movie Undaunted,the story of Josh McDowell. I had no idea what he had been through as a child. He had a drunken father that constantly beat his mother, a sister who committed suicide and a male helper at the farm house they had who sexually abused him for about 7 […]

Fuera de la Oscuridad

Dear Josh, How can we thank you for your faithful service to our Lord Jesus?  Your book, More Than a Carpenter, was instrumental in bringing my dear brother back to Christ after he wandered into the New Age movement and Occult. After he watched the movie Jesus provided by Campus Crusades, the Holy Spirit showed […]

Un Regalo que Cambió una Vida

I read More Than a Carpenter in the 80’s and it became my favorite book.  I have bought many and given them away and I am still doing so.  My mother was a public school teacher and I told her about the book.  One year in the 80’s she wrapped the book and gave it […]

Pregúntale Cualquier Cosa

Dear Josh, I would like to share a story that goes back … to 1985 when you visited our city to spend a week of teaching and ministry in Newcastle England. I was a student then and my memories of that week are still clear in my mind.  The teaching you gave us is still with […]

¿Por Qué Peca la Gente Hoy en Día?

77 FAQs

From infancy, it appears, we struggle for control to get what we want, when we want it, and in the way we want it. This independent drive to be in charge lies behind every struggle for power, every prejudice, every conflict, and every abuse of relationship since the dawn of time. But where does this […]

¿Qué es Realmente el Mal?

77 FAQs

Evil is the corruption of that which is good. Humanity first experienced evil when Adam and Eve chose to exercise their freewill and eat of the forbidden fruit. Evil is the corruption of free will, which God gave us in order that we might have the choice to believe he is the arbiter of right […]