Resolution: Reaching a Generation with Wholeness

Solutions For Five Main Challenges of Young People’s Wholeness. What Josh McDowell and Ben Bennett Have Discovered Generation Z (those born between 1999 and 2015) are struggling today, and few understand why or what to do about it. Research reveals five common challenges, and though they’re nothing new, recent data shows that young people experience […]

El Amor Perdió Su Belleza

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A few years ago my sister walked up to me on the campus of Liberty University, seeking comfort from her older brother. A magician had just attempted to manipulate a kiss from her via his magic trick. She came to me for safety and protection. But as I heard her story, I felt no emotion. […]

Viviendo Libre de Adicciones

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In the midst of addiction, our hope for freedom can be clouded by a loss of control, depression, and isolation. From personal experience, the light at the end of the tunnel becomes more and more dim as failure and shame build. While trapped in my addiction to pornography, I thought for years that freedom was […]

The Porn Epidemic: Problem, Consequence, and Hope


I love hearing the highlights of people’s lives, vacations, weekends, or even workdays. They are insights into people’s unique passions, joys, and personalities. In my two years traveling with Josh McDowell as his assistant, I experienced quite a few highlights. But one event, in particular, still stands out to me: the Set Free Conference. There […]

Heridas, Vergüenza y Aislamiento: Mi historia


For two years I traveled with Josh McDowell, helping to wake people up to the fact that pornography has become an epidemic in America — despite the fact that few seem to recognize the problem. I know first-hand the devastation it causes, and how easy it is to become addicted and enslaved by shame. Here’s […]

Pornografía, Agresión Sexual y Cambio de una Cultura #MeToo

More than ever, we live in an over-sexualized world. Daily we are bombarded with sexual content from the media, advertising, video games, internet, and movies. Reports of sexual misconduct are regularly in the news. Misconduct that takes place in our communities, amidst those we love, amongst us, not some distant world. It’s not unusual for friends […]

Tres palabras sencillas que te harán libre

It was a Tuesday morning, and I get a phone call from a college student who is a regular attender of my church. Answering the phone, I’m met with a voice filled with urgency. “Can we meet up today? I really need to talk with you.” After agreeing to meet, I sat down with this […]