Evidence for Jesus

Quick answers to your toughest questions about Jesus!

There’s a good chance YOU will be asked tough questions about your Christian beliefs by both the curious and the critics. To build a strong foundation for your faith, turn to the facts. They exist!

  • How do we know Jesus really lived?
  • Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
  • Why does the resurrection of Jesus MATTER?
  • What makes Jesus unique from ALL other religious figures?
  • Is Christianity a copycat religion, as some atheists claim?

Evidence for Jesus is ideal for:

  • ANY Christian wanting to know the solid, historical facts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and why Christianity is the truth.
  • Bible, evangelism, and youth study groups.
  • Adding to your church or personal library.
  • Parents wanting to provide their college-bound seniors with a factual resource to defend their Christian faith against any critic.

Evidence for Jesus

Timeless Answers for Tough Questions About Christ

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  • BONUS!
    New content not originally found in Evidence That Demands a Verdict, specifically the chapter, “Does Archeology Confirm the Existence of Jesus?
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