Publisher FAQs

What books can be translated?

Visit Publisher Book Lookup to do a specific search or for a complete list, visit our “JMM Book List.” You can also view a list of available languages here.

How can I know if rights are available for a specific book?

Email to find out if the rights are available for a book. You can also look at the list of books translated into different languages.

How can I get a review copy of a book?

If you are a publisher, JMM can provide you with a link to a book you would like to publish. Fill out the online Reading (Review) Copy Request Form to ask for a book. If you have not worked with JMM before, read about how you can begin working with JMM before requesting a review copy.

What form of royalty payment should I send?

You can pay royalties by bank check, wire transfer or credit card (MasterCard, VISA or Discover). To pay with a credit card, fill out the Credit Card Payment Form and fax to: 972-669-1542 or submit online in your publisher’s account. To send funds by wire transfer, email us at

How can I find Josh McDowell Ministry books published in other languages?

For a list of translations that JMM books are currently published in, click here.

I live outside the USA. How can I buy Josh McDowell books in English?

Please visit our store to purchase a book. Thank you.

How can I know if Josh McDowell Ministry controls the rights for a book?

Josh McDowell Ministry controls most foreign languages rights. Please email us at and we will let you know who controls the rights.

Does Josh McDowell Ministry give exclusive or non-exclusive options?

Josh McDowell Ministry gives members of the first option to translate and publish our books because we are a division of Campus Crusade for Christ. JMM gives both exclusive and non-exclusive options to other publishers, depending on the title.

I have not worked with Josh McDowell Ministry before. How can I begin working with JMM?

To begin working with Josh McDowell Ministry, please fill out the online New Publisher request form or mail your information to us with a copy of your book catalog and a sample book you publish to:

Hope Center
Attn: Josh McDowell Ministry
2001 W Plano Pkwy, Ste. 2400
Plano, TX 75075

Does Josh McDowell Ministry allow publishers in other countries to reprint JMM books in English?

Sometimes JMM allows books to be reprinted in English. Please email for more information.

I am a translator. Can I work for Josh McDowell Ministry?

JMM does not use translators. Other publishers translate JMM books and sell them.

How do I get a contract with Josh McDowell Ministry?

Fill out an online Contract Request Form. When JMM receives your form, you will get an email to discuss the terms of the contract. If you have not worked with JMM before, read about how you can begin working with JMM before requesting a contract.

I need to send a royalty payment to Josh McDowell Ministry. Does JMM have a royalty form I can use?

Submit your information online after creating a publisher’s account or mail or email your own form (including all the information) to or mail to:

Hope Center
Attn: Josh McDowell Ministry
2001 W Plano Pkwy, Ste. 2400
Plano, TX 75075

Can I get permission to translate a book if I do not work with a publisher?

JMM prefers to work with publishers. If the book you want to translate has been in print for more than two years, JMM may allow non-publishers to translate it. Email JMM at for more information.

How can I buy Josh McDowell Ministry books in other languages?

You can buy these books from their publishers. Search for our book listings by language to learn who publishes our books in other languages.

I would like to translate one of Josh’s books into the native language of my country. How do I go about being considered as a translator?

It is our practice to use translators we know.  If someone whom we do not know is interested in translating one of Josh’s books, we would refer the person to the national director of Campus Crusade for Christ International (CCCI) for that country, since our ministry is a member organization of CCCI.