For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge and research to help you find truth and encouragement to live a healthy and whole life in Christ.
What Doubting Thomas Teaches Us
When we are uncertain, it can feel hard to know what to say to God. We put pressure on ourselves to hide our doubts and frustrations — even though He’s already fully aware of them!
But the beauty of healthy relationships is their depth of vulnerability and trust, and the freedom to be authentic. One of the shortest, yet most profound biblical examples of this is the story of “Doubting Thomas.”
As one of Jesus’ inner circle, Thomas was dedicated to the Lord. Yet when Jesus appeared to the disciples after His resurrection, Thomas wasn’t on hand to witness it. So when the other disciples told Thomas the good news, he didn’t believe it.
Don’t we all doubt … and often? Don’t we too often demand “proof” before we’ll believe?
When Christ later appeared to Thomas, He didn’t shame or mock him for his doubt. Jesus met Thomas right where he was, and showed him the truth. God offers us this same grace! We have His permission to bring our doubts or fears. We can know that it’s okay to pray, “Help my unbelief!”
The point of the story of Thomas is about God’s ceaseless grace, which invites our closer walk with Him. He will meet us in our doubt, to speak calm, life, and truth into our uncertainty. Take heart! God is for you, even in your doubt.
We care!
- Submit a prayer request to us here.
- Do you want to have a relationship with Jesus? Start here.
- We invite you to read Josh’s book, More Than a Carpenter. This short apologetics classic examines the historical evidence about Jesus. We can trust that He lived, died, rose, and walks with us daily!