As parents, youth leaders or educators, we all hope our kids will make right moral choices.
We try to provide wise counsel and teach them what is morally right and wrong. The reality is most teenagers are influenced by our culture’s message that right and wrong are determined by the individual, not by any absolute standard. So, when confronted with issues such as internet pornography, they struggle to know what makes sexual immorality wrong.
In Josh McDowell’s timely new book, you will discover how to motivate your kids to choose right, even when confronted with tough moral issues. Set Free provides them with a simple but profound four-step process that will help guide them to make right decisions for the moral choices they make every day.
Whether dealing with sexuality and pornography or honesty and self-control, you’ll equip your children with a biblical foundation to know why right is right and wrong is wrong. You can instill God’s moral values within your kids to “live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people” (Philippians 2:15).

Order Set Free to Choose Right

Upgrade to the Straight Talk Parent Pack and save even more!
Leading your kids to embrace a biblical sexuality is one of the greatest things you can do to protect them from sexual immorality and the use of Internet pornography. The helpful resources in this pack for parents will enable you to teach your kids to make right choices about sex.
Pack includes: Set Free to Choose Right, Straight Talk with Your Kids about Sex, and The Bare Facts book & DVD.