Josh Asks: Why Celebrate Easter?
As our excitement for Easter’s approach builds, I have a question for you: What should be our focus … a chocolate bunny? Or, perhaps, the sweetest love story the world has ever known? Is Easter About a Bunny? I’m fairly certain the Easter Bunny is not real. I’ve found no historical record of him in […]
The Resurrection of Christ: The Disciples’ Reaction
Let’s try to picture the arrest and death of Jesus from His disciples’ point of view: These mostly rough and tumble guys had walked away from their ordinary lives to follow Jesus. In return, for the next few years, they got to bask in the notoriety of being part of Jesus’ inner circle. When they […]
Resurrection Theories Debunked: Christ Rose
In this post we examine and debunk three resurrection theories developed by skeptics. Few skeptics deny the essential events — the trial, the crucifixion, the burial, the guards, the Roman seal, and the empty tomb — because historical evidence strongly supports them. Instead, they focus on suggesting that these events don’t mean that a dead […]
Empty Tomb: Details of Christ’s Resurrection
In this blog post exploring the validity of the resurrection of Christ, we invite you to consider the factual, historical evidence that gives believers certainty that Jesus rose from death, as He promised! Let’s look at five important facts of the empty tomb, and why the Roman Guards and Jewish leaders chose to cover up […]
Burial Details of the Resurrection of Christ
In this post exploring the validity of the resurrection of Christ, we invite you to consider the factual, historical evidence that gives believers certainty that Jesus died and rose from the dead, just as He promised. In our last blog post we focused on the crucifixion details, including the fact that Pilate demanded confirmation of Jesus’ death before he […]
Crucifixion Details of the Resurrection of Christ
Apologetics Booklet Examines Factual Evidence of the Death and Rise of Jesus Christ. In this blog post exploring the validity of the resurrection of Christ, we invite you to consider the factual, historical evidence that gives believers certainty that Jesus did rise from the dead, just as He promised! Let’s look at the crucifixion details of […]
Did Jesus Really Rise From Death?
Apologetics Booklet Examines Factual Evidence of the Death and Rise of Jesus Christ How does one go about finding a true answer to the question of whether Jesus did or didn’t rise from the dead? A critical historian would check out the validity of the records of witnesses, confirm Jesus’ death by crucifixion, go […]