An Unexpected Way to Explain the Structure of the Bible

There is a powerful line of reasoning for the structure of the Bible that is barely discussed—a seriously untapped potential for Christians defending their faith. I didn’t notice it until I set aside my apologetics books and dove deeper into the world of biblical theology.  To understand the evidence I’m about to share, consider this: […]

Didn’t Jesus Chastise Thomas for Wanting Evidence?

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At Josh McDowell Ministry, we seek to help people understand why we can believe that Christianity is true. As I have offered in a previous blog post, our ministry can be supported biblically. However, some people think that reason and evidence is a bad thing for Christian faith, based on how they understand Jesus’s interaction […]

Apologetics: Apologizing for Believing in God?

“Have a ready answer for what you believe.” Contrary to what the world thinks, Jesus did not ask His followers to believe with “blind” faith. Because He didn’t need to. He wasn’t a swindler, a magician, or a con artist. He was God. He spoke the truth, and demonstrated it time and time again. We […]

Can We Really Know If The Bible Is God’s Word?

By Craig T. Owens, originally posted here Have you ever been stumped by someone’s argument against Christianity or the Bible? Has anyone ever made fun of you because the Bible sounds like a fairy tale? Over 100 years ago Oswald Chambers described how our post-Christian world was beginning to treat Christianity and the Bible on […]