If God Loves Us, Why Do We Face Persecution?


Religious persecution is alive and well in our world. While we see this happening against numerous religions, perhaps the most persecuted group are Christians. Countless believers have been tortured and killed for confessing Jesus as Lord. Even in the Western world where we have the Constitutional right to freedom of religion, we experience subtle forms […]

3 Foundational Truths of Christianity

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Welcome! Let’s dive into three foundational truths of  Christianity. Committed Christ-followers find these truths compelling enough to exclude all paths other than Jesus. Foundational Truth #1: Jesus Proved His Deity During his 3-year ministry, Jesus repeatedly told His followers that He came from heaven to die for mankind’s sin, to reconcile us to God. In […]

Live in the Light: See Yourself As God Sees You


Ladies, in this series exploring our true identity, let’s look at whether you’re shining the proper light on your portrait, the self-image you carry around inside your head. Your TRUE identity comes from one single source: what God says about you. God has declared that He sees YOU as eternally lovable, and eternally valuable! Why, then, do […]