How to Discern God’s Voice in a Loud World

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Have you ever felt like you wanted – or needed – to speak to God one-on-one for guidance or help? With the fast pace of our lives, so many things demanding our attention, and the plethora of conflicting messages coming from culture every day, it’s a challenge to discern God’s voice from the others. Take […]

Peace Amid the Noise

Does the noise of the world get to you, too? Living in an age where, because of the internet, everything can be shared on a whim, we are constantly exposed to all the different views and opinions of the world. It all can feel very confusing, especially if we’re teens struggling to figure out our […]

Really Listening for God to Speak

Listening for God sm

We can learn a lot about how God interacts with people by reading the Bible. Perhaps you’re familiar with the story of God calling out to young Samuel in the middle of the night (1 Samuel 3:1-21), or how Jesus appeared to Paul in a blinding vision, as Paul was attempting to destroy the early […]

Unplug. Take a Walk With God


Perhaps you need to unplug and take a walk. I suggested this to a friend earlier this week. Throughout recent weeks while our country has been so divided, he has been riddled with anxiety, fear, even anger. I looked at him and asked, “When was the last time you took 24 hours to turn it all […]