4 “Cs” for Making Right Choices

Each time you and I are confronted with a moral choice, we’re at a crossroad. Do we make the right choice, or a wrong one? There is a relational process of making right choices that, if we follow it, will bring God’s protection and provision into our lives. Josh McDowell calls this the 4 “Cs.” […]
Bare Facts: Talking About Sex

Welcome! In this post we dive further into talking about sex with your kids. Specifically, God’s beautiful design for it. “Love and sex — don’t they mean the same thing?” We live in an age of information overload. Yet there’s so much misinformation about love, sex, and relationships. For many people, love and sex DO mean […]
Choosing God’s Boundaries Because We Trust Him

Welcome! Let’s talk about boundaries, which we need to make good, ethical choices. On what should we base the boundaries we establish in our life? It‘s not enough to base our morality on the Ten Commandments or other boundaries mentioned in the Bible. That’s because it’s not the rules themselves that create lasting change in […]
Can We Know Absolute Right From Wrong?

Welcome! In this post we ask a HUGE question that many believe is impossible to answer: “Can we know absolute right from wrong?” Actually, yes. Let’s look at the 3-point checklist Josh McDowell uses for knowing absolute right to make sound moral choices. If It’s Legal, It’s Moral…Right? If you were to vote on whether […]
Sex is Sacred. We’ve Forgotten That

Sex is a big deal. God says so. I recently Googled the Internet, looking for articles on dating. Specifically, I was searching to see what advice sources offered up as to when a young person should have sex. One article Google offered suggested this “wisdom”: “The age-old question is, how long do I need to wait before taking […]
Premarital Sex: How Should Christian Parents React?

Premarital Sex: Is it “old fashioned” to expect to wait for marriage? Teri looked at her husband, Kenton, her face distraught. Just minutes before, their daughter had dropped the bombshell that she and her college boyfriend were having sex. When her parents had voiced their disapproval, Renee had burst into tears and run from the […]
What is the Moral Law Argument for God’s Existence?

Every human culture known to man has had a moral law. We find it in the records of past cultures as well as in all present societies. These laws protect life; they govern marriage and family relationships, condemn stealing, and encourage doing good to others. Accompanying these laws, however, are people who resist the imposition […]