Christianity is About Loving Relationships


What is it that you and I long for most? Loving relationships. To belong. To be in loving, meaningful relationships with others. And that shouldn’t surprise us, because God MADE us that way. He planted within us his capacity for loving relationships, his “relational DNA.” God gave us his ability to love, so that we […]

7 Ways to Minister to Others From a Distance

minister to others

We might think that nothing good can come from our having to social distance from others. But here’s the truth: while the stay-at-home mandate is significantly interfering with our in-person contact, it is giving us new opportunities to minister to others. Healthy relationships are important to our emotional and physical well-being. Especially during a global […]

Fully Known in Healthy Relationships


We need authenticity, within healthy relationships, to find the freedom to become the people God wants us to be. A few years ago, Josh McDowell rallied our ministry speaking team when he sat us down with his friend, Dr. Henry Cloud, a giant in the counseling world. You might have seen Dr. Cloud’s name on […]

The Good Gift

I used to think that marriage was the culmination of life. The best gift, ever. Once you got married, your fairy tale complete as you rode off into the sunset with your true love. (Thank you, Disney.)  I’ve always been a sucker for a romantic comedy. I watch Hallmark movies all throughout the Christmas season […]

Saving Her First Kiss

first kiss

As I think about Valentine’s Day, I am filled with gratitude for the loving relationships I enjoy with my wife and our two grown children. Our love is deeply rooted in our belief in God’s love, as well as the years of open communication that we have encouraged. This communication was especially important when my […]

I Kissed Dating Hello


If you’ve heard of the Christian book I Kissed Dating Goodbye, which was published several decades ago, you may have chuckled at the title of this blog post. The essence of that book was this idea: don’t date around, become exclusive with the first person you seem compatible with and pursue marriage.  I believe many […]

Connections: Build and Improve Relationships

Welcome! In this post let’s talk about our huge need for real and deep connections. As a kid, I had the rare privilege to grow up next door to my best friend. Laura was there when I was born, and she’s been in my life ever since. But our connection didn’t start with us. Our […]

Parents: 5 Delusions That Hurt Your Relationship With Your Kids

Josh McDowell shares five parenting delusions that sabotage parents in having a close relationship with their kids. An important take-away: As parents, we can’t give what we don’t have. If you need to grow your parenting skills, we have some really fab, free parenting resources for you at the bottom of this post! Parent Delusion […]

Rethinking Accountability: A Proactive and Healing Approach Part 2


We live in a world full of stress, hurt, and things that were not meant to be. Regardless of our particular struggles, we all develop ways of dealing with stress and pain in our life — often through unhealthy choices. As I shared in my last blog post, I developed a number of compulsive behaviors […]

Rethinking Accountability: A Proactive and Healing Approach Part 1

Have you, as I have, experienced reactive and unhealthy accountability in your life? Have you found yourself hiding your struggles, or only sharing your unhealthy choices after you returned to them? Were you then shamed by others after you finally mustered up the courage to open up? In this post I address the difference between “accountability” […]

A Couple Changes

Thank you Josh for being used by God! Forty-one years ago you spoke in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania on the topic…Roaming through Romans.  It was a Campus Crusade fall conference.  I was invited by a student from the University of Pennsylvania.  That weekend after hearing you share how a person can become a Christian, I trusted Jesus […]

Respect and Relationships

Healthy family relationships are based on truth, which is established with trust and respect.  But these values are being redefined and challenged by our culture.

Questions Welcome

Several years ago, we heard Josh speak at the National Apologetics Conference. He told the story about when his (at the time) teenage son expressed doubts about God and Josh reacted with, “Great! Let’s talk about it!” That story helped us to effectively minister to our own son. One night, as a senior at a […]

The Father Connection—or Lack Thereof

Johns Hopkins Medical School commissioned two professors, Dr. Thomas and Dr. Duazunski to study 1,337 medical doctors who graduated from Johns Hopkins University. They wanted to determine a cause factor, for these five diseases: (1) hypertension; (2) coronary heart disease; (3) malignant tumors; (4) mental illness; and (5) suicide. There was only one factor to these […]