The Great Gift of Our Creator


Our Creator’s plan to reveal Himself to humanity seems an odd choice. If you and I were the event planners for heaven, I doubt we would have coordinated God’s entry into humanity in the humble way it played out. Our plans would probably be more along the lines of a triumphant entry in honor, esteem, […]

What Happens to People Who Die Without Hearing the Gospel?

Die without hearing

Ephesians 2 tells us that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sin and accept Jesus as our savior, He restores our broken relationship with God, that we might live with Him forever. But what about people who die without hearing about Jesus? Will they miss out? […]

Why Did God Create Humanity?


God knew that not all of humanity would accept Him, so why did He create us? When God created humanity, He considered it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). God’s assessment can be difficult to understand, considering what people have done against God from the start. You and I, as objects of His love, have been created […]

Coaching Basketball and the Word


Coleen knew she was taking a risk. Sharing her faith in the closed country in Central Asia where she was serving as a teacher and coach could get her thrown out of the country — or even arrested. In this region of the world, there is one dominant religion. Other religions, like Christianity, are forbidden. […]

Out of Darkness


Dear Josh, How can we thank you for your faithful service to our Lord Jesus?  Your book, More Than a Carpenter, was instrumental in bringing my dear brother back to Christ after he wandered into the New Age movement and Occult. After he watched the movie Jesus provided by Campus Crusades, the Holy Spirit showed […]

A Gift that Changed a Life


I read More Than a Carpenter in the 80’s and it became my favorite book.  I have bought many and given them away and I am still doing so.  My mother was a public school teacher and I told her about the book.  One year in the 80’s she wrapped the book and gave it […]