Did Moses Author the Pentateuch?

Moses Author Pentateuch

The Pentateuch, attributed to Moses, includes the first five books of the Old Testament. It is a core text for three world religions and the foundation of the Christian Bible and the Jewish Scriptures. So it matters that the texts be viewed with authority. It is through these books, long believed to have been revealed […]

Far from Everywhere

Rukshona was born in a remote mountainous village. She had never left her village and grew up in a very conservative culture and strict religious environment. The conditions for life were very difficult. They had no running water, no bathrooms. One day a mudslide came down on the village. Most of the houses were damaged. […]

Can We Really Know If The Bible Is God’s Word?

By Craig T. Owens, originally posted here Have you ever been stumped by someone’s argument against Christianity or the Bible? Has anyone ever made fun of you because the Bible sounds like a fairy tale? Over 100 years ago Oswald Chambers described how our post-Christian world was beginning to treat Christianity and the Bible on […]

Biblical Scripture: Truth or Tale?

Scripture: truth or tale?

Can we Believe What We Read in Scripture? The idea that “what’s true for you isn’t necessarily true for me” can lead a person to the conclusion that the moral truths from the Bible are all just a matter of opinion. But this conclusion simply reveals our confusion over the concepts of truth and belief. We are all […]