Love Lost its Beauty

A few years ago my sister walked up to me on the campus of Liberty University, seeking comfort from her older brother. A magician had just attempted to manipulate a kiss from her via his magic trick. She came to me for safety and protection. But as I heard her story, I felt no emotion. […]
Bare Facts: Talking About Sex

Welcome! In this post we dive further into talking about sex with your kids. Specifically, God’s beautiful design for it. “Love and sex — don’t they mean the same thing?” We live in an age of information overload. Yet there’s so much misinformation about love, sex, and relationships. For many people, love and sex DO mean […]
Porn, Sexual Assault, and Changing a Culture of #MeToo

More than ever, we live in an over-sexualized world. Daily we are bombarded with sexual content from the media, advertising, video games, internet, and movies. Reports of sexual misconduct are regularly in the news. Misconduct that takes place in our communities, amidst those we love, amongst us, not some distant world. It’s not unusual for friends […]
The Puritans Viewed Sex Correctly

The Puritans Liked Sex! In the last two blog posts of our cultural tolerance series, we looked at why God designed sex to be part of marriage. We talked about the sacredness of sex, and the emotional, physical, and psychological damage we do to ourselves by engaging in sex outside of marriage. But let’s back up […]
Sex is Sacred. We’ve Forgotten That

Sex is a big deal. God says so. I recently Googled the Internet, looking for articles on dating. Specifically, I was searching to see what advice sources offered up as to when a young person should have sex. One article Google offered suggested this “wisdom”: “The age-old question is, how long do I need to wait before taking […]
A Psychiatrist’s Letter to Young People about Fifty Shades of Grey

There’s nothing grey about Fifty Shades of Grey. It’s all black. “Fifty Shades of Grey is being released for Valentine’s Day, so you’ll think it’s a romance. Don’t fall for it.” Dr. Miriam Grossman. A Psychiatrist’s Letter to Young People about Fifty Shades of Grey By Miriam Grossman, MD {Many of you have asked that I provide my letter to young people as a PDF. Download A Letter […]
Premarital Sex: How Should Christian Parents React?

Premarital Sex: Is it “old fashioned” to expect to wait for marriage? Teri looked at her husband, Kenton, her face distraught. Just minutes before, their daughter had dropped the bombshell that she and her college boyfriend were having sex. When her parents had voiced their disapproval, Renee had burst into tears and run from the […]