Jesus: Truth That Changes Everything
Welcome back to our series based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic: More Than a Carpenter. If you’ve read the four January posts, then you’re up to speed on how Josh journeyed from diehard skeptic to stunned believer in the truth of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Josh then had to decide if he was willing to […]
The Apostle Paul’s Writings: Still Applicable?
The Apostle Paul wrote a good bit of the New Testament, and much of the Christian lifestyle and church governance come from Paul‘s teachings. Should you and I still listen to him? The Bible is, after all, pretty old. Has the Bible become so outdated that we’re smarter to follow the standards set by current […]
Relativism: Does It Contain Any Truth?
Does our personal version of “truth” (relativism) trump God’s objective truth? In our current “Truth is what I say it is” culture, we have to ask if real truth matters. We all seem to be doing okay in life with our own version of truth… right? Actually, no. When a society embraces a slippery slope […]