Objective Truth: Christian Response to Postmodernism

Does objective truth still hold value? “If you are anything like me,” says noted Christian author and speaker Lisa Bevere, “you want to love the broken people around you.” But so often Christians are told they’re being judgmental and hateful if they don’t accept the false version of love that accepts everything — no matter […]
Can We Know If God Really Exists?

Is it possible to know if God really exists, or do we each get to decide His existence for ourselves? When it comes to asking if God really exists, some contemporary philosophers deny that we can know for sure. No one, they say, can really know, because His existence isn’t provable. God, they say, is […]
Relativism: Does It Contain Any Truth?

Does our personal version of “truth” (relativism) trump God’s objective truth? In our current “Truth is what I say it is” culture, we have to ask if real truth matters. We all seem to be doing okay in life with our own version of truth… right? Actually, no. When a society embraces a slippery slope […]