Your Identity: Are You a “Worthless Sinner”?

For most of my life I believed I was a worthless sinner, only tolerated by God because of Jesus’ work on the cross. Sure, I “knew” that God loved me, but I believed that I was still a “wretch” with minimal value. Throughout my years in ministry, I’ve known many missionaries, college students, men, and […]
Hope: Not Wishful Thinking For Christians

Welcome! In this post let’s dive into how our relationship with God infuses us with hope. Hope over our missteps of the past, which God can redeem. Hope for our present. And hope for the future, on the glorious day we will see Him face-to-face. A Christian’s hope is not simply a desire for something […]
Who God Says YOU Are

It’s What God Says About You That Matters. The world does its best to define and categorize us, often from a place of lack: too fat, too skinny, too loud, too dumb, too left, too right, too religious, too uncool, blah, blah, blah. But when we choose to believe what God says about us, it […]
Lovable, Valuable, Competent: See Yourself as God Sees You

Ladies, God says our “Do” is NOT our “Who”! No matter our actions, God says we’re fully lovable, valuable, and competent. In this post in our series exploring our true identity, let’s look at why some Christians are unable to make progress in their Christian walk. Take Susan, for example. Susan was involved in full-time […]