The design argument is also known as the teleological argument. It is based on the premise that the universe demonstrates immense specified complexity, via an Intelligent Designer.
Consider the flower beds at Disney World that clearly resemble Mickey Mouse. Certain flowers make up his eyes, others his nose, and others his mouth and renowned ears. The image exhibit a complex and specified pattern. As this specified complexity wouldn’t appear naturally in nature, it is a marker of an intelligent designer—a gardener.
Human cells also speak to intelligent design. Scientists think of cells as automated cities, as they regulate the flow of materials in perfect unison through seemingly endless conduits. The level of control in these choreographed movements is truly mind-blowing. And this is just one cell! Biologists compare these activities to machines and other feats of modern engineering. Nearly every feature of society’s advanced technology is dwarfed by the complexity and sophistication of what occurs within a cell. The DNA in one human cell holds the information equivalent of roughly 8000 books! Bill Gates likens DNA to a computer program far more advanced than any human has so far invented.
Darwinists assert that life sprung into existence after being given enough time, matter, and chance. But a single cell requires hundreds of thousands of bits of information precisely sequenced in its DNA! Those who deny an Intelligent Designer have the impossible task of explaining how life could possibly arise from an unguided, blind process. Life simply requires too much information for the explanation of random creation to hold up.
Question: When we look at the incredible complexity and design around us, we are faced with the choice of intelligent design or chance. Do you lean toward Intelligent Design or cosmic fluke—and why?
Content adapted from Josh and Sean McDowell’s book, 77 FAQs about God and the Bible.