Reason for Our Hope: Christ’s Resurrection

Welcome! Let’s explore our hope that buoys us because of Christ’s resurrection.

If we love Christ, that poignant moment will bring unbridled joy. Why? Because in proving His power over death, Jesus promised us the privilege of being in His presence for eternity. One of the tenet verses of the Christian faith, John 3:16, puts it this way: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

Let’s look at why stepping into Heaven is going to be the most amazing moment ever.

Our hope is heaven

Are You Chomping at the Bit?

We will be ushered into His presence! The most glorious sunset can only dimly hint at how much this will blow our minds. Our hope will become reality!

We can put our hope in Christ because we know Him to be real. And not just because His ministry, death, and resurrection have been historically documented. And not because they dutifully shuffle in and out of church every Sunday. It’s because in earnestly seeking after Him, they feel His presence.

Jesus promises that all believers shall experience eternal joy. Not because we’ve earned it — but simply because we call Him “Lord.”

What’s So Great About Heaven, Anyway?

When I was a child, I gotta admit: I was not impressed to hear that heaven is full of mansions, streets of gold, and non-stop choirs of angels. Ho-hum, that sounded boring. Now, as an adult, I gotta be honest and admit that it still does. So I’m happy to report that Heaven is SO. MUCH. MORE:

In Heaven we’ll be reunited with our dearly missed loved ones — fathers, sons, grandparents, even pets (maybe?) — who have gone before us. Oh, happy day!

In Heaven we’ll finally get to experience the fullness of God, without the filter of sin that hangs so heavy over this world.

In Heaven we’ll finally get answers to our huge philosophical questions. You know, like, “Why was I born?” … “What was my purpose?” … “What was the meaning of life?” … “Why was life so hard?” … and “Did I make you proud, Lord?”

Our Hope: Let’s Celebrate It!

I know it’s cool for some to say, “I’m looking forward to partying with the sinners in hell.” I’m hoping that’s only because they don’t understand that hell isn’t going to be anything close to Party Central. Whether it’s blistering fire and brimstone, or a darkness so crushing that it suffocates the soul, the worst part of hell will be our separation from God’s holy, amazing presence.

That’s like seeing the beauty of the VIP table, but being banned to the kitchen to wash dishes for the rest of the meal. 

Heaven: the place we’d be foolish not to want to be in for all of eternity. It’s our hope, and our promise, our reward for following Him. Heaven is the wonderful home we crave deep in our soul. Can you hardly wait to get there?!

Catch up: The introductory post to this series.

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