Enemies Refute? | Gospels Reliable? Video 10

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Gospels Historically Confirmed? | Gospels Reliable? Video 9

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Gospels Contradict? | Gospels Reliable? Video 8

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Gospel Authors Lying? | Gospels Reliable? Video 7

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
The Gospels Vetted by Three Tests

Welcome back! In this blog series, based on Josh’s best-selling apologetics classic More Than a Carpenter, we’re asking, “Who is Jesus? Did He really live, die, and resurrect? Is He really the Son of God?” As the New Testament provides the primary historical source for information about Jesus, critics have spent the last two centuries attacking […]
Pagan Influences? | Gospels Reliable? Video 6

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Gospels Accurate? | Gospels Reliable? Video 5

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Gospels History? | Gospels Reliable? Video 4

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Are the Gospels Reliable? Video 1

My name is Matthew. I’m a speaker and author with Josh McDowell Ministry. After you watch this video, feel free to leave a comment here or via my social channels, listed below. I’d love to hear from you and be a small part of your wrestling with these important questions about Jesus. I also invite […]
Jesus Christ Offers Meaning?

Last week, when we started this new More Than a Carpenter series, we shared with you that when Josh got to college, he began to earnestly search for happiness and meaning. But he grew increasingly frustrated by the answers offered up by both his church and his college professors. Not even partying or taking on […]
Didn’t Jesus Chastise Thomas for Wanting Evidence?

At Josh McDowell Ministry, we seek to help people understand why we can believe that Christianity is true. As I have offered in a previous blog post, our ministry can be supported biblically. However, some people think that reason and evidence is a bad thing for Christian faith, based on how they understand Jesus’s interaction […]
Who Recorded Events in the Bible?

To understand the formation of the Bible, we have to understand the world of the Bible. When significant events happen in our world today, witnesses record the stories through writing and video. This raises questions about how the Bible was recorded. Take these three events, for example: How was Moses able to write about creation, […]
Has the Bible Been Altered Over the Centuries?

To declare that the Bible has been “altered” over the centuries could mean a number of different things. For instance, you could talk about how later scribes added punctuation markings, lower-case lettering, etc., as their Greek language evolved over time. But that is of little concern. When most people say that the Bible has been […]
Isn’t the Bible Full of Disagreements?

One common concern that skeptics have about the Bible is that it doesn’t line up. That it’s full of disagreements, which they say proves that it’s a man-made document, not inspired by God. This question can lead to very murky conversations; however, because people mean different things when they discuss “disagreements” in the Bible. In […]
Should Apologists Quote the Bible When Trying to Prove it?

There’s a common objection apologists hear from skeptics: “You can’t quote the Bible to prove the Bible.” The answer to that? Yes and no. Sometimes people try to prove the Bible is true by using what the Bible says concerning itself. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, for example, says that all Scripture is breathed out by God. […]
Do Alleged Contradictions Skew Bible Truth?

Bible scholars have a proven track record of resolving contradictions to harmonize the Bible. In this blog post we explore the claim by skeptics that the Bible contradicts itself. Are there differences among parts of the Bible? Yes. But are they contradictions? No. We assert this for two reasons: 1) The Bible is the inerrant Word […]
The Lost Gospels Don’t Belong in the Bible

Scripture must meet exacting criteria to be included in the Bible. Based on what the “lost gospels” say about Jesus, they don’t make the cut. One argument used by critics to try to discredit God’s Word is by asserting that the Bible was developed via a power struggle. Namely, that what’s included in the Bible […]
The Bible: How Big a Deal is Human Error?

Scribes are human; humans make mistakes. Does that mean the Bible’s accuracy is in question? The answer, in a word: No. It can’t be denied that both unintended error and intentional modification have occurred in biblical texts over time. But most of these can be identified, categorized, and properly understood in their relation to the overall reliability […]
Testing the Historical Reliability of the New Testament

Vetted for Historical Reliability, the Bible Stands Strong. Welcome to our ninth blog post in this series. If you’d like to catch up from the start, here’s the link to the first blog we posted: Apologetics: Apologizing for Believing in God?. Apologetics — the defense of Christianity — is not about our apologizing for our […]
An Investigation: What Makes the Bible Unique?

The Bible’s unique features speak to its staying power. Have you read it yet? In this blog post we’ll look at the unique origin and nature of the Bible, the profound impact it has had on western civilization, and its responsibility for much of the progress of human history. We will not attempt to demonstrate […]