Can We Escape Our Worry?
Worry and anxiety are common feelings. You might be feeling anxious about something right now as you read this. Personally, I can feel anxious if I get overwhelmed by my responsibilities, my worries about what others think of me, or my fears that I’m not good enough. It can certainly feel as if the entire world is […]
Really Listening for God to Speak
We can learn a lot about how God interacts with people by reading the Bible. Perhaps you’re familiar with the story of God calling out to young Samuel in the middle of the night (1 Samuel 3:1-21), or how Jesus appeared to Paul in a blinding vision, as Paul was attempting to destroy the early […]
Why God? He Hears Our Prayers
When life feels hard, we need to remind ourselves that God hears our prayers and cares — and not just a little. A LOT. Let’s look at prayer, and some truths about our response to God’s response to them. For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s […]
Hearing God’s Voice Like Waves
I love hearing the sound of waves on the shoreline of a beach. Whether the wind brings them crashing in, or calmer weather causes them to gently lap the sand, there is a consistency, a repetition to waves that fascinates me. I find myself listening for their rhythm and discernible pattern. “Crash!” The waves impact […]
Declare His Name Today!
It is 37 degrees, but a carafe of hot black coffee, flannel PJs, a snoozing pup on my lap, and a couple of blankets make for a snuggly-sweet chance to see the moon sink behind the mountains. A rare treat, as the morning will not be this dark with a sinking moon at 7am for […]
How to Pray With God in our Pain
It may seem odd to talk about pain in the modern Christian life. If you were to examine today’s preaching and worship music, you’d likely get the sense that the Christian life is supposed to be a perpetual state of happiness, or that happiness can be gained in five simple steps. Yet many believers are […]
Devotional: God Wants Your Prayers
God wants our prayers! Since creating Adam, He has yearned to be in close relationship with us. Especially during the moments we find hard and scary, God wants us to bring our fears and doubts. Because He cares. He is listening. He is working through all circumstances for the good of those who love Him. […]
33rd Street Prison
We went on a ministry trip to the 33rd Street prison in Orlando Florida. Some others who had gone to minister in this prison before informed us that nothing could be brought into the prison with us. Even our car keys and drivers licenses had to be left with the guards in the check in […]
Out of Darkness
Dear Josh, How can we thank you for your faithful service to our Lord Jesus? Your book, More Than a Carpenter, was instrumental in bringing my dear brother back to Christ after he wandered into the New Age movement and Occult. After he watched the movie Jesus provided by Campus Crusades, the Holy Spirit showed […]
Ask Him Anything
Dear Josh, I would like to share a story that goes back … to 1985 when you visited our city to spend a week of teaching and ministry in Newcastle England. I was a student then and my memories of that week are still clear in my mind. The teaching you gave us is still with […]
Prayer Guide for the Set Free Summit
UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who prayed! The Set Free Summit was amazing–you can learn more about it HERE. Download the resources from Josh’s talk HERE. 2 More Weeks To Go! Set Free Global Summit on pervasive Internet pornography on April 4-7, 2016 in Greensboro, NC is 2 weeks away. We humbly request prayers for this event, […]