Are the Bible and Science at Odds?


Can Science and the Genesis Creation Story Co-Exist? Genesis 1 — the creation story — inspires some of the most heated, sensitive, and yet important controversies within the Church today. How we personally view Genesis 1 does impact how we, individually, view the rest of Scripture, science, and the nature of the gospel itself. Many young […]

Are Christianity and Science at War?

Christianity science war

I’m guessing God is totally cool with science. Every time I see an amazing sunset, or the clockwork ebb and flow of a beach, or the birth of new life, I am thoroughly convinced that God, the Creator, exists. Because each of these visuals is simply mind-blowing in their intricate precision and beauty. God spoke, […]

Christ and Chemistry


I work as an administrator at a science museum in Russia. The purpose of our center is to communicate in a very simple way through games that science—specifically physics and chemistry—could be interesting. There are nine guides working with me. All of them are young people, mostly university students. This job is a source of […]