Christ and Chemistry

I work as an administrator at a science museum in Russia.

The purpose of our center is to communicate in a very simple way through games that science—specifically physics and chemistry—could be interesting. There are nine guides working with me. All of them are young people, mostly university students. This job is a source of extra income for them.

From the very first day, the Lord allowed me to share with these guides about God. Because they have a specific work schedule, I have a chance to talk to everyone of them individually. I also meet with them as a group. We discuss various topics.

It all started when, at my first day at work, I saw how a chemistry guide was showing an experiment by the name of “Pharaoh’s Serpent”.

He told the story of Moses, Pharaoh and the 10 plagues. I decided to find out how much of this story he actually knew.  It turned out that he did not know anything. I had a chance to share with the guides about the Old Testament Passover.  Then I shared about Christian Easter, Jesus Christ and the core of the Gospel.  Since then, every shift, we talk about God.  Many topics.  Many questions. Not every question has an answer. But it is a great opportunity for me to develop myself and try to answer questions.

Another interesting story, one of the guides invited his girlfriend to attend a chemistry show that he was teaching. We agreed that I will let his girlfriend attend, if he learns the Lord’s Prayer. Both of us did what we promised.

During our discussions, I always refer to the Bible as the Word of God.

I always say that for me and for Christians, this is an authority. I presented as a gift to everyone of the guides a New Testament, a Jesus Film and the book More Than a Carpenter. Out of 9 people, 8 agreed to receive them. I have had a chance to talk more with 7 of them. I am praying for the Lord to bless them and to give them a desire to start reading His Word so that they can receive the most important gift in their lives – salvation.

Not every one is in the full time ministry, but I am convinced that everyone can turn his job into a ministry. The one who is not willing is looking for reasons. The one who is willing is looking for opportunities.