The Porn Epidemic: Problem, Consequence, and Hope

I love hearing the highlights of people’s lives, vacations, weekends, or even workdays. They are insights into people’s unique passions, joys, and personalities. In my two years traveling with Josh McDowell as his assistant, I experienced quite a few highlights. But one event, in particular, still stands out to me: the Set Free Conference. There […]
A Much-Needed Wake Up Call

Dear Josh, Well done! I have been sounding the trumpet on this topic [pornography] for the past 10 years. We hit it hard in our confirmation program at our church for sixth through ninth graders. However, in recent years, I have been convicted that our efforts are coming too late. Despite the fact that all […]
Set Free Summit: Day 4 Recap

The Set Free Summit concludes today with a focus on restoration. We have recognized the problem of pornography and how pervasive it is in our culture throughout our world. Today, we discover how we can be restored and help others become restored through God’s Word. Dr. Ted Roberts: Is Real Revival Possible? Roberts took the attendees […]
Set Free Summit: Day 1 Recap

What a day! The Set Free Summit kicked off with an audience representing 19 countries and 350 different organizations. The purpose: to bring awareness to the pervasive problem of pornography and encourage the Church to fight for freedom. Three amazing speakers took the stage to share their stories and insights about porn’s destructive nature and the redemption that […]
Josh McDowell: Call to Arms

May we rise up to be a part of the solution–starting with ourselves, then our families, our churches, our children’s schools, our countries, and then the world! “We need a Wilberforce, a Mother Theresa and a Bonhoeffer in the church today who have the courage to battle the devastation of porn as they did slavery, […]
Prayer Guide for the Set Free Summit

UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who prayed! The Set Free Summit was amazing–you can learn more about it HERE. Download the resources from Josh’s talk HERE. 2 More Weeks To Go! Set Free Global Summit on pervasive Internet pornography on April 4-7, 2016 in Greensboro, NC is 2 weeks away. We humbly request prayers for this event, […]