A Much-Needed Wake Up Call

Dear Josh,

Well done!

I have been sounding the trumpet on this topic [pornography] for the past 10 years.  We hit it hard in our confirmation program at our church for sixth through ninth graders.

However, in recent years, I have been convicted that our efforts are coming too late.

Despite the fact that all of our boys and at least half of our middle school girls report having seen porn, and I mean significantly disgusting porn, the parents are slow to appreciate the dangers.

Parents look at me as though I have lobsters coming out of my ears when I call this the decisive battle of the century.  (I have been a pastor for 27 years.  I am used to that.)

Your address has vindicated our efforts and we will pick up the challenge with greater clarity and zeal.   I am sure that you will take heat for this address. God bless you!  I also appreciate that you lifted up the relationship you have with your wife!   Thank you, thank you, thank you. May God continue to nourish and sustain you!

Excerpts from Josh’s 2015 Moody Founders Week address:

Want to learn more about the problem–and more importantly the solution? Visit the Set Free Summit website.

Download Josh McDowell’s pornography presentation and research from the Set Free Summit here.
Downloads include:

  1. A Call to Arms (Presentation)
  2. A Call to Arms (Notes)
  3. Facts & Stats About Pornography (Vol 1)
  4. Facts & Stats About Pornography (Vol 2)
  5. What Josh is saying…about internet pornography
  6. What others are saying…about internet pornography
  7. Recommended Resources to Help with Overcoming Pornography