The Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God's own will. Romans 8:27
"DEAR GOD, please help my friend Tyler."
Chris had prayed this prayer for months. His Christian friend, Tyler, was having an incredibly difficult time saying no to temptation. Tyler had a history of drug use and alcohol abuse. He had often shared his struggles with Chris, and Chris always promised that he would pray. So pray he did. No one knew Tyler's problems and needs better than Chris, and Chris took his responsibility to pray very seriously.
"Dear God, please help my friend Laura."
Ashley wouldn't give up. No matter how thin Laura got, Ashley simply wouldn't stop praying for her friend. Ever since her youth pastor had first asked her about Laura's eating habits, Ashley had sensed God's call to pray for Laura. "Only God can rescue my friend," she told her small group leader, "so we've got to pray." And she did pray. No one knew Laura's problems and needs better than Ashley, and Ashley took her responsibility to pray very seriously.
Isn't it great to have Christian friends who pray for you? And isn't it a special privilege to pray for your friends? Things happen when you and your friends pray for one another. God responds and acts!
There's only one thing more powerful than friends praying for one another, and that's the Holy Spirit praying for us. Do you realize that the Holy Spirit prays for you to God the Father? That's right. The Spirit of God who lives inside you is constantly talking to God the Father about your needs, your hurts, and your struggles. And his prayers are even more effective, because no one knows you like the indwelling Spirit of God -- not your parents, not your friends, not even your youth leaders know you and your needs like the Holy Spirit does. Knowing your needs as he does, he can pray for you better than anyone.
Do you ever feel so hurt or confused or angry that you don't know how to pray? You sigh, cry, or groan, but you just can't get any words out? Well, relax. The Holy Spirit is taking your sighs and groans and translating them for you, because he knows exactly what they mean. And he takes your hurt and concern straight to the Father's throne. Pleading with a passion words can't express, the Holy Spirit prays, "God, please help my friend." And remember this: He takes prayer for you very seriously.
REFLECT: What does it mean to you when a friend prays for you? How about when the Holy Spirit chimes in with prayers that never cease?
PRAY: Father, thank you that even when I can't find the right words to pray that your Holy Spirit knows exactly what to say.
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