Sharing Your Testimony During COVID VIDEO


  For 50+ years, Josh McDowell Ministry has been leading seekers into a deeper knowledge of God’s truth and power. We offer you our accumulated knowledge and research to help you find truth and encouragement to live a healthy and whole life in Christ. Who says your Christian testimony has to be huge for it […]

Breaking Out of the Christian Bubble


Private evangelical Christian schools can be dangerous. I should know; I’m finishing my last semester at one as a seminary student. It’s not that I don’t like them. I’m actually very grateful for the education I have received at my university. In fact, I would do it all over again! But there is risk involved […]

Books for the Batboy


From our staff: Recently, we held an Apologetics Seminar at a church in California. One of the people helping me for the weekend was Dan, the Missions Pastor at the church. He shared his story with me of how our ministry influenced his life: I grew up in a religiously diverse family. My two sisters […]

“Carpenter” in France


Josh’s book, More than a Carpenter, has been given away on college  campuses, at special Christmas and Easter events, at doctor’s appointments, and in other situations. We are so excited to see the interest people have shown, especially because it is definitely not the expected typical French response: “We gave about 50 copies of the […]

Indestructible Joy


Josh: I have a great story to tell, and will try to give you the very abbreviated version here. Around 2006 a business acquaintance, John, and I got acquainted on a more personal level, and went on a few dates. About a week into this ‘dating’ phase, I learned that John did not share my […]

Easy-to-Understand Truth


The first book I read by Josh McDowell was in May 2016.  It was The Witness.  Right after, I devoured Josh’s biography Undaunted.  This book completely inspired me!  Christians also need inspiration from time to time! I made a firm decision that I will use the book Undaunted to the maximum as a helpful tool for evangelism.  […]

Reaching the “Unreachable” with the Gospel

Omar* from the Middle East was one of the first to come to faith through the Gulf Partnership Outreach. Last summer he joined our outreach teams to help reach his fellow countrymen and was amazed at the opportunities he had to share the truth. The Gulf Partnership Outreach grew out of a vision to reach […]

33rd Street Prison


We went on a ministry trip to the 33rd Street prison in Orlando Florida. Some others who had gone to minister in this prison before informed us that nothing could be brought into the prison with us.  Even our car keys and drivers licenses had to be left with the guards in the check in […]

Books on the Subway

Over 20 years ago in Russia, Stas and I, along with the Josh McDowell Ministry and hundreds of American volunteers, had the honor of planting seeds throughout the former Soviet Union. The doors of Russia had just opened. For the first time the Soviet people were free to hear the Gospel and learn about God.  […]

Ready to Hear Some Good News?

Good News

In this post, let’s look at some tips and creative ideas for sharing your faith. Let me begin by sharing the second-closest time I almost got beat up. I was a college student walking through the main campus building when a student across the hall shouted at me with an angry voice: “Hey, you!” I […]

Christ and Chemistry


I work as an administrator at a science museum in Russia. The purpose of our center is to communicate in a very simple way through games that science—specifically physics and chemistry—could be interesting. There are nine guides working with me. All of them are young people, mostly university students. This job is a source of […]